
"There are very many people who read simply to prevent them from thinking." -G.C. Lichtenberg

In my multitudes of car trips this summer from one shower to another, followed by a bachelorette party, followed by a wedding here and there, I am now obsessed with books on cd. It takes everything to get me out of the car at night. It makes my mornings to listen to 5 minutes of a book, instead of trashy talk radio of the same top 40 song I’ve heard the past 4 mornings. I didn’t say they had to be great, thought provoking books, but entertaining and delightful. I am now on hour 9 of Danielle Steel’s Sisters and it has made me laugh and cry out loud. On my way into work this morning I got sad thinking that I was on the last cd and pretty soon the adventure of these 4 lovely sisters will be over, and then what am I left with? I guess another reason to travel to Cracker Barrel and get another one!

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